Friday, January 22, 2010

37th Anniversary of Roe V. Wade

Today is the 37th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, the landmark Supreme Court case legalizing abortion.

For those of you who dont know, Roe, a pregnant single woman brought a class action challenging the constitutionality of the Texas criminal abortion laws, which proscribe procuring or attempting an abortion except on medical advice for the purpose of saving the mother's life.

Roe alleged that she was unmarried and pregnant; that she wished to terminate her pregnancy by an abortion "performed by a competent, licensed physician, under safe, clinical conditions"; that she was unable to get a "legal" abortion in Texas because her life did not appear to be threatened by the continuation of her pregnancy; and that she could not afford to travel to another jurisdiction in order to secure a legal abortion under safe conditions. She claimed that the Texas statutes were unconstitutionally vague and that they abridged her right of personal privacy, protected by the First, Fourth, Fifth, Ninth, and Fourteenth Amendments. By an amendment to her complaint Roe purported to sue "on behalf of herself and all other women" similarly situated.

For the whole Case information, go to

Dr. George Tiller, once said, "Abortion is about women's hopes, dreams, potential, the rest of their lives. Abortion is a matter of survival for women."

Personally, We are against abortion. Our family as well as, friends, believe that the only time that a woman should have an abortion are these conditions; If she has a serious medical condition that threatens the quality of life or longerity in the babies life. If she was raped, I can understand why she would want to, but to have an abortion because you feel that is your right, i just can't grasp that to well.
Do women who believe in abortion have a heart? Do they know how many other women in the world that would give they life to have a baby? Many women come up with excuses(just to name a few) like, " I want to chase my dreams ", or " I dont have the money to raise a child". There are numerous programs to help women like, WITT, Welfare, if that woman cannot find a job, Child Support, if she knows who the father is. The one that really gets me is, " My birth control, it didn't work, or I forgot to take it". A simple solution to that people, "WAIT UNTILL YOU ARE MARRIED" or use contraceptics if you decide to be sexually active.
It disgusted me seeing those signs above. Those women have not a ounce of guilt on their conscious for taking a life of something that has not had a chance. Who knows, one of them babies could be our future president, Doctor, Govenor, Star-Athlete, Teacher, etc. They show no value for an innocent life and they try to bring GOD into the picture.
6th Commandment- Thy shall not kill. We will leave it at that because obviously, people are going to pick which laws to obey and which laws to break.

To all the women who are reading this that are pregnant and thinking about having an abortion,think! Does my baby have a chance to great, my baby might be the next president, teacher or Doctor. It is better to have saved a life, then to have taken one.
Today, marks the 37th Anniversary of Roe v. Wade, we couldn't possibly know what it feels like to be a woman but, we do know that when it comes to giving a baby a chance at life, it would and will have it!

We'd like to say "Thank you", to all the mothers out there who had there babies, stuck through good times, bad times, Thick and thin with there child, watched them grow, mature and have a great affect on this world.

Thanks Sally May, you gave us a chance!

All comments and are incouraged.

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